The Foundation of Cosmic Fire

The Foundation of Cosmic Fire became the name of our organisation in early 2003. Under this umbrella, the two areas of study that had been the foundation of Angelic Reiki were developed into new workshops. These are The New Shamballa (5 day class) and The Golden Heart Merkabah of Creation (7 day class).

Christine had first worked with the energy of Shamballa when John Armitage (Hari Das) taught Shamballa Reiki in the north of England in 1992. This workshop led to her being introduced to the work of Drunvalo Melchizedek and his work with Sacred Geometry. The study of these two areas of wisdom formed the cornerstones of Angelic Reiki philosophy.

The New Shamballa Workshop

The name Shamballa has the same root as Shangri La. In legend it is a place in the mountains of Tibet so peaceful and pure that heaven is manifest on the earth. The workshop is based on the concept of Unconditional Love and leads to a philosophy of non-judgement. Non-judgement of self, others, and events. The workshop reveals how this is the creative principle of all dimensions.

The Golden Heart Merkabah of Creation Workshop

Plato allegedly said that God must have had a good knowledge of Mathematics before he started his creation. In modern times our clue to this underlying design is known as Metatron’s Cube. This magical design that is birthed from the ‘Flower of Life’ is the geometric mathematics to which Plato was referring.

The study of these principles leads to demonstrable proof that everything is Divine Creation. This is the same information that enabled Leonardo Da Vinci, and all the artists and inventors of the European Renaissance of the 14th to 16th centuries, to produce wonderful paintings, sculptures and engineering.

Its study enables us to understand the principle of ‘Angels’ and the archetypal construction of us and everything.

The Wisdom of Metatron Workshop

This is a new workshop based on Metatron’s Cube. Its premise is to answer the question “How can a geometric mandala and a picture of a male figure with wings represent the same thing?”

This investigation leads to the extraordinary story of the bases of human guilt, disempowerment and separation for the Soul self.