“Sometimes things happen that we know we really could not have planned, and this most certainly was one of those”. Christine Core

Kevin and I first met when he came to help me with my new website back in 1997. I was running a healing centre back then and practicing full time as a Homeopath. Kevin had been working as an engineer and seeing healing clients in an evening. He needed a room to see his clients and so joined the therapists at the centre. During the next few years, he attended some of my workshops (I was already holding classes for Shamballa and Merkabah) and we set up some meditation and speaker groups in the local community.

We had found in each other a like-minded approach to our spiritual work, not too much in line with the new age spirituality of that time, but much more rooted in older philosophies.

In 2001, I passed my healing centre onto the hypnotherapist who worked there and set off on what was to be a 15 month round-the-world trip. Kevin remained and spent more time developing ideas for our meditation groups. One day he realised that his research had flowered into a healing system based on the philosophy that we had spent so long discussing together.

In an email in 2002, when I was in Cambodia, he said that one of the friends with whom we had done some of our spiritual brainstorming, had set up a workshop for him in Kuala Lumpur and asked if I was anywhere near there. On the date of the class I would actually be travelling from Singapore to Thailand, going right through Kuala Lumpur. Sometimes things happen that we know we really could not have planned, and this most certainly was one of those.

The truth is that during this time in Kuala Lumpur we became partners and, on his return, Kevin moved into my cottage. The letting agreement had, would you believe it, just come to an end with the previous tenant. I continued my travels because I had arranged to meet a friend in Thailand and then to teach Shamballa in Japan, but after that, I ended my travelling and got the next flight home.

The first Angelic Reiki Master Teacher workshop, which in those days was the level 3&4, was held a couple of weeks after I got back.

Once together in my cottage we started to advertise in UK Mind Body Spirit magazines and taught workshops in our local area. We were invited to teach in Greece, then in the USA; and so it grew.

We also taught Merkabah classes, but it was not until 2007 that we taught a Shamballa workshop together, and what unfolded was something quite different from the classes I taught in the early 1990s.

In 2005 we moved to live in the energetic land of Egypt and experienced some life-changing events. One wonderful event was our marriage in February 2007. We did come back to the UK for this and had a civil marriage and a pagan ceremony.

We organised an international Wesak conference in June 2008 and the website we set up for this magically got millions of hits in a very short time.

My energy was soon to be concerned with looking after Kevin. The cancer was confirmed in a Cairo clinic later that year and I had to get Kevin back to the UK after an operation in Cairo. The operation was excellent but he needed the nursing care of the NHS.

After a short holiday on the Red Sea with his three children from his previous marriage, we had a short time back in Luxor and then we needed to be in the UK.

Kevin died in June 2009.

The work that we set up together, the three workshops of Angelic Reiki, New Shamballa and Golden Heart Merkabah of Creation, have developed in line with the changing energies. As I write this for this new site, it is incredible to reflect on how different this world is now compared to when Kevin left it. He would have loved using the social media that we have at our disposal today.

It feels that this needs to be the end of the story for now, but it is not the end of the story for our work.

Read more in the Angelic Reiki book

All of spiritual knowledge and wisdom is equally available to everyone. It is though, our responsibility as human beings to receive theses Divine gifts and create something with them here on this Earth. We each follow our own expression of dharma and our life’s purpose in the way we collaborate with spirit. All of the ingredients that are brought together for a healing system are available to everyone. The way in which these are woven together depends upon the insights, wisdom and understandings of the weaver.

It is therefore important in order to give a full introduction to Angelic Reiki, to share something of Kevin and my stories; we were the weavers.

Christine’s Life Story

My family background was rather paradoxical. It was deeply spiritual on one hand and on the other very challenging. My father experienced a spontaneous healing of chronic asthma in his early twenties and therefore gave me a belief in healing and of how the ‘Will of the Divine’ governs everything.  I can recall, at about the age of twelve and thirteen, engaging in deep philosophical discussions about the nature of God and creation with my Sunday School teachers. I did not receive any childhood vaccinations and I cannot remember taking any antibiotics throughout my life.  School was a nightmare. I was a dyslexic child before dyslexia was recognised. Reading was very difficult, writing all back to front but I was enchanted by the patterns I could see in number shape and the stars.

I qualified as a teacher, married and had two sons. It was then that the suppressed grief of the death of my mother when I was twenty and away at college, caught up with me. Chronic insomnia and a whole range of minor ailments were affecting my life. I was introduced to Homeopathy which supported this healing process. I embarked on four years professional training in 1987. Interestingly this was at the time of the Harmonic Convergence when many people of my generation experienced major changes in their lives. During the four years homoeopathic training I took short-term teaching contracts earning enough to qualify for a small mortgage which I used to purchase premises and create a centre for complementary and alternative therapies. It was at this point that my first marriage ended. I was to run the centre for the next nine years. During this time there were as many as twelve different practitioners at any one time working out of the centre. This brought the gift of introducing me to a wide range of healing modalities. I took the Masters attunement in Usui and Shamballa Reiki and studied the Merkabah, offering these workshops at the centre.

In 1996 a massage therapist joined the healing centre but just stayed three months. During that time, he did not see any clients, but kept popping in and out of the clinic. One day, when I was having problems with my new computer, he told me that he had a friend who was very spiritual and also had some expertise in the area of computers. He obviously thought I needed a spiritual person to help me with my computer! So Kevin, who was looking for a place to start his healing practice, came to the clinic ostensibly to help me with my computer! He joined my group of friends who met at my house to do meditations and share celebrations of the new moon, solstices and equinoxes. One day, I mentioned to him as he was leaving my home that I was doing a Merkabah workshop and asked if he was interested. The ancient wisdom that underpins the teaching of the Merkabah is the creative principles that describe the Angelic Kingdom. We shared healing exchanges, joined the local circuit of spiritual speakers and started our own meditation groups.

In 2002 we were to go our separate ways, our paths merging again in Kuala Lumpur some fifteen months later. I had felt that the phase of being a Homeopath and running a healing centre had come to completion. I sold the clinic, rented out my home, packed a rucksack and bought an around-the-world air ticket.

My first adventure was whilst canoeing down the Wanganui River in New Zealand and connecting to a past life as a Maori healer. Five months later I was to receive amazing initiations and activations from the Aborigine tradition at Uluru. A couple of months after that I found myself in the jungles of Borneo. I taught a couple of Shamballa Reiki workshops here, one amazingly to a tribal village. A friend in Kalimantan, the main city in that area, had recommended he look after my passport whilst I travelled, so I arrived in the jungle town of Kabupaten Sanggau and was promptly arrested for not having any identification papers. The police offered to have an officer, who was flying in the next day, collect and bring my passport with him. At 4:00 in the morning I was awakened by the powerful presence of St. Germain with the message that I should try to prevent this as I would pay a large sum of money to retrieve my passport. I managed to contact my friend in Kalimantan and give him the message. Before leaving on this trip I had done a healing for the wife of a high-ranking police officer in the city and we managed to persuade him to vouch for me. I was finally free to travel. The Dayak people who extend their ear lobes down to their shoulders, were the native peoples of the area. The ‘Grand Mother’ of a village about two hours up stream had been unwell since being flown to Jakarta as a cultural representative for an international gathering. On arrival in the village I was asked to do a healing for her; a wonderful honour and unique experience. The next week I caught a flight out of Borneo, met up with my son, in Phnom Penh, Cambodia and set off on the next adventure. Thank you, St. Germain, for your intervention.

Kevin and I got ‘married’ three times. The first was a Hindu union in Sri Lanka. The night before the ceremony Kevin and I had profound experiences. Kevin received an integration of the Divine Masculine and I the Divine Feminine. It was like a river of energy flowing down through all levels of reality bringing a conscious awareness of all beings that hold the masculine and feminine presence. This was the second initiation we received confirming that our relationship was not just about us. The work that we had to do, and the reason we were together, was to serve spirit through a merging of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. We were legally married in the UK in 2007 which was followed the next day by a ‘Hand Fasting’ ceremony shared with family, friends and the Angelic Reiki family.

Kevin’s Life Story

First of all, it is important for me to say that this is Kevin’s life story as he told it to me. I am not making any medical claims or comments, and as always it is up to the reader’s discernment, own wisdom and qualified advice as to what is right and true for them.

Kevin’s Soul chose an extremely challenging life this time round. His life is a perfect example of how there is no correlation between how easily and smoothly one’s life unfolds and how spiritually aware one is. There is a belief system which suggests that if one’s life is easy and full of joy, Love, and light then one must be very spiritual. I don’t believe this is a correlation one can make. When we come to an incarnation with the possibility of it being the last one in our rounds of 3-D experiences, the Soul collects together every remnant of the lessons we haven’t learnt and presents them to us. If we have the courage to face such a lifetime, then the light we bring is truly magnificent; but just like any bright light it will find every crumb and speck that has not already been brought into balance. We have just got to look back in history to see how beautifully spiritual lives have rarely been easy ones.

Kevin was born maintaining an intimate connection to spirit, feeling, sensing and hearing spirit all around him. His mother was an alcoholic who had denied all her intuition and spiritual gifts. He was quite different to other children in many ways. At the age of seven his intuition and sensitivity enabled him to write amazing stories. This perplexed his teachers as kids from poor backgrounds, without an educated family, were not expected to be able to write essays of that quality and insight. At around the age of twelve he was not to be found playing football with the other boys. He told me he remembered finding the concept of competition strange and unappealing. He was to be found sat reading Greek mythology in the local library. His social background created prejudice in terms of his educational aspirations in senior school and family attitudes believed he should not aspire to being more than a shop floor worker. He worked for most of his life in engineering. He wanted to be a teacher but his grandma told him that folk from their background didn’t become teachers. Bless her, but how wrong she was.

Kevin told me that at the age of twenty-seven he went to bed one night and woke up the next morning a totally different person. It was a perplexing and rather disconcerting experience at the time. He gave up going out with the lads and instead took to reading the works of Schopenhauer, Gurta, Young and Nietzsche. What “freaked him out” (Kevin’s expression) was that, without a proper education he totally understood the philosophy and concepts of these great writers.

Many factors in his life, as I am sure you can imagine, plus the nihilist philosophy of people like Nietzsche led him into a period in his life of profound depression. But he was still being intimately touched by Spirit. One of the times when he seriously tried to take his own life, was in fact a major turning point. He consumed alcohol and pills which to any medical opinion should have been ‘successful’! He told me how the following morning he awoke feeling perfectly okay but bewildered. Was this Divine intervention? I can only leave this to the opinion of the reader. He then realised there was nothing that he could do to successfully end his life, so there was no point in trying. The state of depression was leading nowhere and by this time he was married and had a young son. No help he sought had been of any benefit. So finally, he surrendered and did what spirit had been prompting him to do for years: meditate. He realised later this support was coming from the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul.

He had nowhere else to go, so finally he followed the guidance of Djwhal Khul. Within six months his depression had gone. As this inner voice of this Master grew more prominent, he came to realise Djwhal Khul had in fact been with him all his life.

With this, the next phase of his life began, and he started to seek the company of people who were involved in spiritual work. They told him he was a healer, but Kevin never believed anything until he proved it to himself. He didn’t believe it was Djwhal Khul who had been guiding him all his life until he proved to himself that messages from a particular essence or energy were always right. One day his son was unwell so with nothing to lose he tried healing. Of course, it worked and very quickly his son was well again.

A new phase of his life began. He was working as an engineer during the day, getting up early each morning to do his meditation and going out each evening to fulfil healing requests. He also started reading books on spirituality but not the new writers of today. He studied western esoteric writings by Alice Bailey and Dion Fortune, Western mysticism and the Kabbalah and Eastern philosophy through the writings of Patanjali, Paramahansa Yogananda and studying the Bhagavadgita.

In 1995 Djwhal Khul prompted him to give up his day job and give over all his time to healing. Ascended Masters never tell us what to do; they simply plant an idea in our consciousness and it is totally up to us whether we follow the guidance. By this time, Kevin had three children and giving up one’s day job is not an easy thing to do. But by now he was so confident of the guidance he had always been given by Spirit he followed the impulse. It was of course a challenging time and an opportunity for many lessons to be learnt, as it always is.

Weaving Together Our Story

Our lives now started to weave together. In 1992 I had completed my professional training as a homeopath and set up a healing centre on the outskirts of Bradford in Yorkshire, England, the town where I had always lived. This is also where Kevin was born. We had gone to the same school and now we lived, unknowingly, only five minutes away from one another. I was having problems with the clinic computer and one of the therapists at the practice felt it was only right for a spiritually minded person to come and help. He obviously thought it needed to be a like-minded person who could assist me with the healing centre’s computer. Kevin came to the clinic to sort out my computer and I offered him one of the consultation rooms for his healing practice. Now working at the same place, we had the opportunity to exchange healings and he joined meditation groups at my home.

In 2001, I bought an around the world air ticket and travelled for the next fifteen months. Kevin continued with his healing but in 2002 was prompted by Djwhal Khul to start gathering certain pieces of information together. Kevin’s decision to leave work had triggered within him a total commitment and trust in spirit. This abdication of personal needs and agendas facilitated his life to be now totally guided by the Angels and Masters. As the principles and structure of the new healing modality directed and facilitated totally by the Angelic Kingdom of Light unfolded, he did not know from day to day where he would go and what he would do. He tells a story of how one day after taking the children to school he was guided to go into the central library in Bradford. On arrival he was directed to go up to the third floor and turn right. About two-thirds of the way down the rows of shelves, on his left, he was directed to turn left and then pick up a book on the bottom shelf on the right-hand side. This book was ‘A Dictionary of Angels’ by Gustav Davidson. It was to provide the material for an attunement which allows the Reiki Symbols to be attuned to the Angelic vibration and thus to their original archetypal Angelic form. This is just one story of how for nearly a year Kevin’s life was guided in order to bring together the material that was to be written down and named Angelic Reiki.

Kevin taught a number of workshops over the next few months and then a friend of his organised an Angelic Reiki workshop in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and one in Singapore. I was on my world travels and coincidentally was in Malaysia at the same time as Kevin. When he had left the UK on the flight to Kuala Lumpur and said his goodbyes, he knew his life was to take another major turn. My journeys after Malaysia took me to Thailand and Japan, and after teaching a workshop in Japan I decided to return home to be with Kevin.

From then on, we organized and taught the workshops together, and in 2005 we decided we needed to make our home in Luxor, Egypt, and live among the energy and inspiration of this great place.

Is everything birthed by men? Of course not, and they cannot do it on their own. It is the nature of the female principle to be unseen. The male input for creating a baby is visible and not hidden in any way. The baby in the mother’s womb then goes through nine months of amazing change totally unseen.

At the start of workshops Kevin and I would tell something of the story of how Angelic Reiki came about. He would tell the story of how Djwhal Khul impulsed him to leave his job in engineering and to give his full time to healing and how he just followed the guidance in every moment as to when to meditate, where to go and which books to look at. We would tell the story of how he was guided to go to the local library and pick up the book ‘A Dictionary of Angels’. The actual channelling of the material that went into the workbooks and the structure and the philosophy of Angelic Reiki had been written down whilst I was away travelling and Kevin and I were not in a relationship at that time.

From 2007 I started teaching part of the workshops on my own because Kevin was experiencing pain in his throat, and during 2008 I was doing the majority of the workshops. When I was teaching on my own, I would tell the story of how Angelic Reiki came about but the students started asking me questions about the part that I have played. The presentation of the story up until then had been all about Kevin, all about the male energy.

Kevin had recognised and knew it was through me, the female energy, that the system was actually being grounded, but there was no great story to tell. It was the asking of the question “What was your part?” in a workshop space that allowed the bigger picture to be revealed and that I had not realised the bigger picture myself. It is interesting to see how we had been acting out the male and female archetype. The male sexual organs are visible and external and there, in a way, for all to see. The female reproductive organs are deep within her body and the secrets of creation kept deep within her. There is a period of creation which is profound but hidden then after that time a birthing takes place and something independent is born.

Kevin and I had personally prepared ourselves for the conception of Angelic Reiki during our individual paths starting at the time of the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 and continuing throughout the 90’s. Although our paths were walked separately, they were essentially the same path. Both of us received Master attunements to Usui Reiki and Shamballa Reiki; we had studied and worked with the Merkabah, given up our normal jobs, and undertaken a lot of personal work. Then, in about 1997 after Kevin had come to work at my healing centre, he invited me to watch a video with him at his home by Barbara Stein on Usui Reiki. This turned out to be not just the watching of a video, but a spiritual event whereby our energies were merged. We both experienced unusual energetic changes for the following weeks. It was after that, when we exchanged healings and looking back, our life path had put in place a number of events that spiritually started to merge our energies.

In 2001, I decided to give up everything and go travelling. Astrologically I am water, and I now see that like the Water Carrier, I was seeding my energy and imbibing the energies of many spiritual places around the world. It was whilst I was travelling that we coincidentally met in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I had had an open ticket and was travelling wherever the impulse took me. Kevin and I had only exchanged the very occasional e-mail but one day I received a message saying that he would be in Malaysia to do a workshop organized by Colette from the UK and the timing of this was exactly when I was travelling through Malaysia. This was a three week period out of a fifteen month journey. Quite a coincidence! It was when we met in Kuala Lumpur that on the human level we fell in Love and recognised our deep connection. We had actually always lived only about 15 minutes away from one another and, although our age difference had meant we never met, we had actually gone to the same senior school. After visiting Thailand and Japan, I cut my travelling short and returned to the UK to be with Kevin. It was very apparent that the purpose of our union was to balance the male and female so as to bring these two principles through our teaching and in the workshops.

It is now my life purpose to nurture Angelic Reiki through its adolescence and into full maturity.

A number of well-respected channels have said Kevin and I are twin flames. A twin flame relationship is very challenging because its very nature means you are facing the perfect mirror. It starkly reveals anything that has not come into balance and has not been embraced unconditionally with Love. It is deeply searching and it is said that twin flames only come together to do spiritual work. As a relationship, the tendency is to break apart because the other half is totally opposite to you in human, personality terms. I do resist spiritual drama and don’t attach any great significance to whether Kevin and I were twin flames or not. I know we came together on a deep spiritual level, the Love was absolute, and the process of being together was a deep personal clearing for both of us. This personal purification, although challenging at the time, is one of the most profound gifts one can ever give another person. I am deeply grateful for the time we spent together and cherish every moment.