Birthing Principles ♦ shared by Christine Core

It is impossible to separate the personal story of Kevin and I from the unfolding of Angelic Reiki. Other sections of this website will indicate how the story starts back in 1987. This was the year of ‘The Harmonic Convergence’, a very particular astrological alignment which triggered major changes in many people’s lives, especially those over the age of 40/45 who had been set up to respond. Certain souls had been destined to be born just after the Second World War as a vanguard to herald the changes to come. Kevin and I were part of this group of kids, destined to have difficult lives because we had a path to forge.

We lived what would seem ordinary lives until the Harmonic Convergence kick-started changes.

During the 1990s we learned much of what we needed to know for the next step. We had come to do a job, and that job could not be avoided.

In the 1960s, urged on by the atrocities of the Vietnam War, there was a movement in the West devoted to finding ways to live peacefully. This was led in the USA by people inspired to think in a different way. They were the ‘thinkers’, the new philosophers of our time. Men and women interested in the human psyche, looking at ways of flowering our creativity, and living as a viable community. LSD was a legal drug used by such thinkers as Ram Dass (born Richard Alpert) and Timothy Leary studying at Harvard University, their aim to understand consciousness.

LSD became illegal. It became popular, it became widely available; it became abused. Alongside it was a similar story for Marijuana. An intellectual and social thinking movement became a silly Flower Power movement that could not be taken seriously. The ethos, admirable but undermined by the new wave of drug use and music, generated out of Laurel Cannon just north of Los Angeles. Out of this a new spiritual movement of LOVE grew, and simply became a platform for misinformation for new spiritual creed.

Then Reiki came along. A way that we could all become healers in a weekend. No personal work involved, no searching out our own shadow, no personal spiritual practice and no professional practice training. I am not against Reiki. It is an amazing gift. I am making a big generalisation here, I know, but I am sure that many of you who were in the New Age spiritual movement in the 90s, and indeed through to this day, will recognise something of what I am saying.

Angels have also become very popular. But what is the definition of an Angel? The power assigned to Angels and the New Age model of Ascended Masters echoes closely the ethos of which it is a reflection and continuation, the ethos of hierarchical structure within spirituality. ‘It, me, they, him, them etc. are more spiritual than you or me, they have more power and knowledge.’ ‘You lesser mortal.’ No! I am not against Christianity either, but I do recognise when something is used to create power over ………… .

The word Angel comes from the Greeks and translates as ‘Messenger of the Gods’. The Gods in Greek mythology are the primary archetypes. The primary archetypes are the modelling of creation on all levels. Angels are the messengers of the creative principle of Pure Divinity: not good, not bad, simply TRUTH simply the very presence of Unconditional Love.

Angelic Reiki is the invitation to bathe in the perfect truth of the Divine. A healing is a space held by someone for someone else with the sole (and Soul) intention of facilitating ‘THY WILL NOT MY WILL.’

For Angelic Reiki, the healer or teacher, by definition, has not to come from personal ego, hopes, desires or agendas. They are not special; they are simply there. They are there to offer an invitation to know one’s own Divine true self. To embrace this philosophy, an Angelic Reiki healer has to take on board their own personal process and spiritual growth; in other words, what Carl Jung would call the shadow. Angelic Reiki demands a level of self-awareness, mindfulness and spiritual maturity.


The Healing for Our Time and Ancient Wisdom

The idea of Angelic Reiki being the healing for our time was there at the very beginning of its conception. We also understood that its philosophy and practice was based on Ancient Wisdoms. That might seem a bit of a contradiction but it is not. The old, honoured ways Angelic Reiki embraces are:

Cleansing and Dedication of the Space
The importance of clearing, cleansing and dedicating a space in preparation for any spiritual practice. Around the world, in all traditions, no sacred work takes place until the space receives due dedication.

Dedication of the Practitioner or Teacher
Personal preparation is essential before one steps forward to work with others. Also a mindfulness of any ego-led personal agendas.

Wisdom has been left out of many modern-day spiritual work because asking how, why, who etc. has not been encouraged in most modern western spiritual practices. Love can be misled without wisdom.

Governing Principle
‘Thy Will Not My Will’. (‘Thy’ in this context can be assigned to ‘God’ in any tradition).

Constant Enquiry
When we think we understand we are in a place of indulgent ignorance.

Professionalism and Ethics
High standards of professional practice are the bedrock of high spiritual practice.

In everything we do we bring compassion and humility.

Personal Development
The primary outcome of connecting to Angelic Reiki, either through a healing or workshop, is to link in to one’s individual gifts and purpose. For example, after a healing one might have an improvement in the pain in the knee, but also a latent desire may emerge for you to write poetry, to take up singing, painting, healing, or teaching might also happen.